I've been MIA for about a week...sorry about that. It's been wild and crazy.
Friday night, I had Girl's Night! There are a bunch of us girls from the company that I used to work at that, starting in Spring until late Summer early Fall we have Girl's Night once a month (sometimes twice). Girl's Night consists of food, alcohol, gossip, laughter, and did I say alcohol? We each take turns hosting Girl's Night. The hostess provides the yummy eats, and the rest of us bring our beverage of choice, mine being beer. I don't think I've EVER seen one of the girls bring something other than alcohol. Other than the time my friend Cathie was preggo and hadn't told anyone yet - but we didn't know - we all thought that clear liquid she was mixing was vodka, when in fact it was water! I even TRIED her drink and thought it was oh so yummy!
Anywho, my wonderful sister came to my house to watch the bears (Poppa Bear was at work) while I enjoyed some time out with the girls. I got home around 10 (yes, we're lame-and old). My Wii Fit arrived the same day, so at 10 o'clock, after having several beers and snacks, I decided it would be fun to try out the Wii Fit. Wow...what fun! Wow...how horribly out of shape I am! I lasted until 11 and decided to call it a night.
Saturday I did my typical play with the bears, clean a little, feed the bears, play a little, clean a little...you get the jist. My Godparents rolled into town for a visit and were staying with my parents so the bears and I went to Mima & Bipas to hang out for the afternoon and evening. It was great fun as always. My parents have the cool-aide house for kids AND adults. We stayed until 8:30 or so and went home so the fellas (and me) could go to bed. My parents and godparents however stayed up until 4AM!!! Holy Moly do they put me to shame.
Sunday was yet another fun filled day. I hosted my nephew Austin's 11th birthday party. It was tons of fun. Luckily it was a beautiful day out so the kids could go out and play. But man - it was CRAZY in our house. Kids jumping off of stairs, running around, playing with the dog, spilling soda on the kitchen floor, and on and on and on. I loved it! I love that my house has become the new cool-aide house for kids and adults. It's what I've always hoped for :-)
I have tons of pics to share this week. I still need to upload and edit, but be on the lookout for yet more pics of the bears, and some fun one's from Austin's birthday.