Woah have I been missing for a bit or what?!? It's been an interesting month to say the least.
April started out with the Bears' birthdays. Wow what a wonderful celebration it was. We had 80+ guests, no afternoon nap, and not a single meltdown. My children continue to amaze me every.single.day. They were passed around all afternoon, hung out in their high chairs for pretty much an hour while I opened their gifts, with smiles on their faces the entire time.
After the Bears' birthday celebration, we had a small celebration with family for my um, er, 30th birthday. Wow..I'm 30. I had to fill out a form last week, one that asked your age. It was the first time I had to WRITE 3-0. Wow, that was just weird. I honestly though, still feel like I'm in my twenties.
The bears had their 12month check-ups a week ago. Here are their stats.
Big Bear
Weight: 21lbs 6 oz - One year ago 3lbs 14oz
Height: 29.75in
Head: 18in
Little Bear
Weight: 20lbs 8 oz - One year ago 3lbs 11oz
Height: 29in
Head: 17.4in
After the check-up we had to go to the lab for the boys to have bloodwork drawn. Oh boy..was I a mess. Bloodwork? On my poor baby boys? It ended up not being so horrible. Little Bear was up first. She got the needle in and nothing. Then she pushed it in further, the blood flowed, and Little Bear screamed. Then Big Bear was up, he made one little peep when the needle went in and then proceeded to just watch the process. He is so laid back that fella.
That same weekend was Easter. Nothing exciting happened around these parts. We had dinner at my parents, tortured the Bears by making them wear rabbit ears.
Here are a few pics of the boys on Easter, wearing their beautiful sweaters my mom made for them.
April started out with the Bears' birthdays. Wow what a wonderful celebration it was. We had 80+ guests, no afternoon nap, and not a single meltdown. My children continue to amaze me every.single.day. They were passed around all afternoon, hung out in their high chairs for pretty much an hour while I opened their gifts, with smiles on their faces the entire time.
After the Bears' birthday celebration, we had a small celebration with family for my um, er, 30th birthday. Wow..I'm 30. I had to fill out a form last week, one that asked your age. It was the first time I had to WRITE 3-0. Wow, that was just weird. I honestly though, still feel like I'm in my twenties.
The bears had their 12month check-ups a week ago. Here are their stats.
Big Bear
Weight: 21lbs 6 oz - One year ago 3lbs 14oz
Height: 29.75in
Head: 18in
Little Bear
Weight: 20lbs 8 oz - One year ago 3lbs 11oz
Height: 29in
Head: 17.4in
After the check-up we had to go to the lab for the boys to have bloodwork drawn. Oh boy..was I a mess. Bloodwork? On my poor baby boys? It ended up not being so horrible. Little Bear was up first. She got the needle in and nothing. Then she pushed it in further, the blood flowed, and Little Bear screamed. Then Big Bear was up, he made one little peep when the needle went in and then proceeded to just watch the process. He is so laid back that fella.
That same weekend was Easter. Nothing exciting happened around these parts. We had dinner at my parents, tortured the Bears by making them wear rabbit ears.
Here are a few pics of the boys on Easter, wearing their beautiful sweaters my mom made for them.

This past weekend, a bunch of friends and I went out on the town. Oh what fun we had! I hope someone sends me some pics soon...allthough...I may not want to see them. We partied like ROCKSTARS! Poppa Bear was great and got up with the bears yesterday morning since I didn't get home until 2am. The hangover was totally worth all of the fun I had! I promise to post some pics if & when I get them.
That's all for now. I must get caught up on all of YOU! So much to read...so little time.
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