Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

The thing I am most thankful for this week is SLEEP. Baby Bears have been very good to Poppa Bear and me this week. No 4am parties going on (so far). Thank you , thank you, thank you boys…momma and Poppa Bear really, really appreciate it.

I am thankful that my BFF’s baby girl Alanis is doing well. She was admitted to the hospital last week with what they thought was croup, but ended up being the flu. Still very scary for a two month old baby, but she stayed for a bit and was home in time for the weekend. Thank you Alanis for being such a trooper. Please take it easy on your momma this week, she needs a much needed reprieve from all of this scary new mother stuff.

You may remember last weeks Thankful Thursday, where I was so very thankful that I lost 2 pounds…well…I put 1.5 of that back on this week. I’m not going to complain, I am going to be thankful that I am fortunate enough to put food in my refrigerator, my cupboards, on my table, and in my belly. Be on the lookout, this may be an ongoing subject in each week’s Thankful Thursday.

Lastly, I am so very thankful, for living in a part of NYS, that allows for 60 degree weather one day, and 30 degree, 50MPH winds, and snow the next. (Hopefully you read this one sarcastically)

A final note, please say a prayer for Nolia, one of Brittany’s baby girls. Poor baby girl has had a cold and developed a fever and some breathing issues and was taken by ambulance to the nearest hospital.


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